History - Te lucis ante terminum (In Epiphania Domini)

Jul 05, 2022 (xmarteo)

Reverted the previous modification, it is the -i from Qui that is elided, cf. AM34 p.289

2. Pro(d)cul(e) re(fh)cé(h)dant(e) sóm(f')ni(d)a,(e_') (,) Et(h) nóc(hg)ti(f)um(h) phan(e)tás(fe)ma(de)ta,(e.) (;) Hos(h)tém(h')que(i) nos(j)trum(h) cóm(i')pri(h)me,(f_e) (,) Ne(e) pol(e')lu(d)án(c)tur(d) cór(fe)po(de)ra.(e.) (::) 3. Gló(d)ri(e)a(fh) ti(h)bi(e) Dó(f')mi(d)ne(e_') (,) Qui(h) ap(hg)pa(f)ru(h)ís(e)t<i>i</i>() ap(h)pa(hg)ru(f)ís(h)ti(e) hó(fe)di(de)e,(e.) (;) Cum(h) Pa(h')tr<i>e</i>() et(i) Sanc(j)to(h) Spí(i')ri(h)tu,(f_e) (,) In(e) sem(e')pi(d)tér(c)na(d) sǽ(fe)cu(de)la.(e.) (::) A(efe)men.(de..) (::)
